Carbon Neutral

Carbon neutrality is the state of balancing the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere with an equivalent amount removed. It is achieved through methods such as reducing carbon emissions, using renewable energy sources, and planting trees. Carbon neutrality is important for addressing climate change and improving air quality. Individuals and organizations can work towards carbon neutrality by adopting sustainable practices, switching to renewable energy sources, and purchasing carbon offsets.

Comfy Morning purchases carbon offsets Comfy Morning has adopted carbon offsets as a tactic that is part of a larger strategy:

1. Reduce direct emissions as much as possible.

2. Offset all remaining emissions.

To be clear, offsets are not a replacement for taking actions to reduce our carbon footprint—they are a last resort to compensate for emissions we can’t currently avoid.

We donate funds every time you make a purchase, to offset our impact. 

Read more about what we do, and why we do it, in our blog post here.


carbon neutral